Areas of Expertise

Mental Health

We focus on improving the mental health of individuals, including the promotion of well-being, the protection of human rights and the health care of people with mental disorders.


We support migrants and provide them with tailor-made solutions in order to successfully integrate them in the hosting societies.

Gender Equality

Promoting gender equality and gender mainstreaming at all levels is our priority.


We stand against any kind of discrimination for establishing inclusive societies.


Employability and entrepreneurship are key determinants for social cohesion.


Our innovative projects aim at tackling discriminations against LGBT people.

Human Trafficking

THB is a major violation of human rights. In close collaboration with the National Referral Mechanism in Greece, we provide services to victims and capacity building programs to various professionals.

Social Impact Assessment

We aim at assessing the social impact of a project, action or policy, combining the Social Return on Investment (SROI) methodology with the impact on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Poverty is an infringement of freedom of human dignity, as individuals face various forms of discrimination just for being poor. Reducing poverty is a key component for promoting resilient communities.

Social Economy

We work on social economy projects to create strong, sustainable, prosperous and inclusive societies.


We provide solutions for active ageing in order elderly people to be more independent and active members of the society.


Inclusive school environment plays crucial role in promoting equal opportunities for all and combating intolerance.


Strengthening the role of volunteers in creating positive social impact.


Fostering youth participation in civic and democratic life is fundamental for social cohesion.

Global Citizen

Our projects aim at promoting the role of the active citizen, encouraging people to develop the knowledge, skills and values they need to engage with the world and their communities.

Hate Speech

We work on countering hate speech, safeguarding human rights and dignity for all.


We provide Capacity Building to journalists on how to promote and safeguard human rights and dignity.


Sports can be extremely valuable in the context of social inclusion and human rights protection.

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