Cooperation between CSOs and groups of former victims of trafficking and domestic violence for the economic empowerment of victims – Advocacy Trainer

The Family and Childcare Centre (KMOP) in cooperation with DIFFERENT AND EQUAL (AL) is implementing a new 3-year project titled: “Cooperation between CSO’s and groups of former victims of trafficking and domestic violence for the economic empowerment of victims”. The project is funded by the Delegation of the European Union to Albania under the IPA II Programme and will last from February 2018 until January 2021.

The project will enable CSOs to build their capacities through training (and on the job support, mentoring/ coaching) tailored to their needs. The CSOs, beneficiaries of the sub-grant scheme will receive additional training to further build their capacities, including advocacy skills, and support them in the implementation and management of their projects.

In this context KMOP intends to proceed to an award for the position of an Advocacy Trainer for delivering a one-day training in order to enhance the advocacy skills of the CSOs, beneficiaries of the sub-granting scheme of the project.

For more information please find the invitation below:

Public Call_Advocacy Trainer

Public Call_Advocacy Trainer_Offer template

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