Amelie e-learning course addresses healthcare professionals to help combat trafficking

Trafficking in Human Beings (THB) constitutes a serious crime and a violation of human rights and human dignity. In 2021, there were 7,155 registered victims of THB in the EU and 2,517 convicted traffickers (Eurostat). However, the number of THB cases is notoriously underreported out of lack of realization of their victim status, fear of their trafficker and the control they have over them, or hesitation to accept help from authorities.

Seeking to strengthen mechanisms for the early prevention of and the combating against trafficking in human beings, KMOP-Social Action and Innovation Centre in collaboration with the AMELIE project partners, in the context of the EU Anti-Trafficking Day is presenting a new e-learning course, specifically addressed to healthcare professionals. Drawing on its long-term experience in the development and implementation of initiatives to prevent and combat trafficking in human beings, KMOP aims, through the AMELIE e-course, to enhance the capacity of healthcare providers and frontline health professionals to identify, safely refer and provide trauma-informed, gender-sensitive and culturally competent services to victims of THB (mainly, but not solely, adult women).

The course provides core information on human trafficking, victims’ rights and access to healthcare, the importance of healthcare professionals in anti-trafficking efforts, the provision of trauma-informed, gender-sensitive and culturally competent care, the identification of trafficking victims, communication with survivors, safe referral, the long-term role of medical personnel, and the impact of Covid-19 in service provision. The ultimate goal is to help healthcare professionals recognise the indicators of human trafficking and facilitate survivors’ access to appropriate services.

The e learning course is available in English, Greek, Italian, German, Dutch and French.

Multiple trainings and workshops have already been organised with the participation of over 800 professionals and over 200 stakeholders respectively at European level. In Greece, KMOP, in collaboration with the Reception and Identification Service of the Ministry of Immigration and Asylum, the National Public Health Organization and the Directorate of Public Health (2nd Health Region of Piraeus and the Aegean), implemented trainings for a total of 479 health professionals – medical, nursing and administrative staff from hospitality structures, hospitals and Primary Health Care structures.

The AMELIE project is carried out by KMOP in Greece, PAYOKE in Belgium, SOLWOLDI in Germany; Differenza Donna and APG23 in Italy, with the support of the EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.

For further information or clarification, contact: [email protected]

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