KMOP participates in Closing Conference for the CQ+ project in Belgium

KMOP, as one of the consortium partners of the Erasmus+ initiative CQ+ aimed at supporting adult learners in developing cultural intelligence and promoting diversity and inclusion, participated in the Closing Conference that was held on the 24th October in Turnhout.

The event introduced the CQ+ Interactive Infographics to adult learners, the Inservice Training Programme for front-line adult educators as well as the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) which was presented as a one-stop-shop for educational resources that address the cultural intelligence and diversity challenges facing all EU Member States.

The project is implemented in 7 countries: Belgium (by Blenders and The Square Dot), Ireland (Spectrum Research Centre), Greece (KMOP), Germany (Skills Elevation FHB), Croatia (Dante), Spain (Postal 3) and Italy (Speha Fresia).

Read more in the 4th project newsletter HERE!

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