SupportCare | Selfcare Workbook for informal caregivers of dementia patients

KMOP in collaboration with 4 organisations across Europe, has developed a Selfcare Workbook for informal caregivers of dementia patients.

An innovative “Self-care workbook” was created on the importance of self-care, with tools, tips and examples on exercising self-care to support caregivers’ process towards “Building their own self-care plan” and improving their mental and physical health. This free online workbook has a step-by-step approach on 6 thematic topics: 1) what is self-care and why is it important, 2) taking care of physical self-care, 3) taking care of psychological and emotional (also spiritual) self-care, 4) taking care of social self-care, 5) taking time for leisure, 6) building your own self-care plan.

This innovative workbook has been developed in the framework of the Erasmus+ project “SupportCare: Support Informal Caregivers For Better Future Of Dementia Patients”. The SupportCare project aims to empower and support informal caregivers for people with dementia, offer tools and knowledge to prevent the negative impacts on informal caregivers’ health and well-being, and to break the stigma around dementia.

The Selfcare Workbook, and a short version can be found here.

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