WELFARE – Designing future WELFARE systems
Creating a forum for interdisciplinary discussion and knowledge transfer between the public/non-profit welfare system and students within social sciences and humanities.
Grant Agreement Number: 2021-2-IS01-KA222-HED-000049245
Funded by: Erasmus+ Duration: 01/03/2022 – 01/03/2024

The WELFARE project comes in response to the documented need for infusing social entrepreneurship and innovation into Higher Education. Although social entrepreneurship is currently embedded within university curricula, this happens through a narrow approach that has mainly a subject-specific focus and application mainly in business studies. For this reason, it is difficult to leverage its full potential and offer holistic solutions to urgent societal issues. There is a great need to empower and equip people from all faculties to develop social entrepreneurship competences and drive positive change.
The WELFARE project will create a melting pot for social innovation within universities as a gateway for researchers, master and post graduate students to develop skills and competences as social entrepreneurs or intrapreneurs, by engaging them in communication and cooperation with educational institutions, non-profits and businesses within the welfare system.

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