Inclusive Hubs

Inclusive Hubs – A whole school approach to transform schools into Inclusive Hubs

The project aims to reduce the barriers to inclusion for migrant learners in school, focusing on education, cultural mediation, health and wellbeing.

Grant Agreement Number: 2021-1-BE02-KA220-ADU-000033662

Funded by: Erasmus+      Duration: 01/12/2021 – 30/11/2023

Inclusive Hubs project logo


Around Europe, the percentage of migrant populations remains considerable, and so are issues associated with Early School Leaving (ESL). Specifically in Greece, despite the high incoming migration rates, only a third of refugee/migrant children aged 4-17 were enrolled in formal education during 2018-19. Common barriers that migrants face in Greece, Finland, Cyprus and Portugal are the lack of cultural mediation and interpretation services, the lack of quality language learning programs, as well as teachers’ limited training to better integrate migrant learners.

The Action plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027 clearly states that, “Schools have the potential to be real hubs of integration for learners and their families” (p. 8). School environments that involve migrant families as mediators to inclusion can be highly beneficial for migrant learners and the development of an inclusive atmosphere where every learner has equal participation in education and social life. Therefore, there is a strong need to develop systemic, evidence-based actions for integration and improve the processes for monitoring indicators and actions, while building the capacity of teachers and schools’ staff as to how inclusion and diversity can be achieved.


The Inclusive Hubs project aims to reduce the barriers to inclusion, by focusing on education, language learning, cultural mediation, health and well-being, and by transforming schools into local inclusive hubs. More specifically, the consortium will help transform 4 schools into inclusive hubs, through the capacity building of school staff and cultural mediators.


Actions include a literature review on policies and practices regarding migrants’ inclusion, country reports and national action plans, as well as a joint report mapping current research and barriers to inclusion. The joint report provides a summary of key findings and action plans in all countries. It is a comprehensive overview of inclusion needs – based on statistical data and views of migrants, and insights from local actors – and available inclusion policies in the partner countries. The joint report formulates recommendations based on the country analyses and document examples of effective policies and practices.

A “Schools as Inclusive Hubs” Toolkit, with resources and guides on peer learning, mentoring and support as to how schools can act as inclusive hubs, through the intervention of migrants and local communities. Among others, sections of the toolkit include: a) Framework and evidence behind the idea of schools acting as inclusive hubs; c) Practical tips on planning and operating (mapping the school needs, profile, and priorities); d) Community engagement and engaging parents and migrants; e) Peer learning, mentoring and support; f) Developing a common vision, objectives, and action plan; h) Operational issues, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the hub.

A Curriculum, with key thematic areas and resources concerning inclusive education for teachers and school staff, cultural and language mediation for migrants, language learning for learners and adults, health, wellbeing and resilience.

Local capacity building activities for trainers, school staff & cultural mediators, delivered in each country, on how to use the Toolkit and Curriculum.

Once trainers, schools, and mediators are packed with the necessary capacity regarding migrants’ inclusion, an 8-month Implementation Program will be applied in each country to transform schools into inclusive hubs. One selected school in each country will work closely with the migrant families of learners to co-design activities, and promote the project and its activities in the community.

A Policy Paper, addressing practical recommendations and calls for actions in each partner country regarding the inclusion of migrants.

European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Education and Innovation Hub (Greece)
NARPES (Finland)
CARDET (Cyprus)
Institute of Development (Cyprus)
Rightchallenge – Associação (Portugal)

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