HOPEFUL | Integrating refugee children in education

inclusive education

HOPEFUL is a European initiative, which aims at enhancing teachers’ competences in the teaching of numeracy, literacy and digital skills to refugee and migrant students in order to promote their successful integration in education and improve their school performance.

Given the fact that refugee and migrant children do not speak the host country language and/or English and that most of them have been out of school for some period, it is important that teachers in host countries acquire specialized skills in order to successfully meet their educational needs.

HOPEFUL will develop a diagnostic tool for the assessment of literacy, numeracy & digital competences, gaps and needs of refugee and migrant children and will enhance the teachers’ skills on these topics, aiming to better address the educational needs of these students and reduce their early school leaving.

In particular, HOPEFUL will identify the skills that secondary school teachers should possess for the teaching of literacy, numeracy and digital skills to refugee and migrant children and will design a capacity-building program for secondary school teachers and school counsellors/advisors. It will also develop a diagnostic tool for assessing the gaps and needs of these students as well as develop an online platform where teachers can find digital modules for their training.

The project is funded by Erasmus+ programme of the European Union and is implemented in Greece, Italy, Malta and Cyprus by the following organizations: KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre (Greece), Solidarity and Overseas Service Malta (Malta), Cardet (Cyprus), CESIE (Italy) and Verein Mutlikulturell (Austria). It has a duration of two years.

For more information, you can visit the project’s website: https://www.hopeful-project.eu/

Contact: [email protected]

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