Enhancing the capacity of civil society organisations to support victims of anti-LGBTQI hate crimes An initiative combating anti-LGBTQI hate crimes through multidisciplinary cooperation GA number:

FreeAll – Inclusive services for all LGBTIQ people FreeAll aims to enhance protection response of social, legal, health and judicialservices tailored and sensitive to the

BestCare4LGBTQI+ – Building the capacities of service providers in elder residential care on how to provide a more inclusive service provision for Older LBGTQI+ users

CHOICE: Promoting School Environments Inclusive of Diversity based on SOGI CHOICE aims at promoting more inclusive school environments and combating intolerance on the grounds of

Diversity and Childhood
Diversity & Childhood: Changing social attitudes towards gender diversity in children across Europe Raising awareness, reducing prejudice, and improving violence protection and support to LGBTI and

FAROS – Feature a protective environment for LGBTI+ persons FAROS aims at improving access for LGBTI+ people to protection and services, as well as combating

Strengthening LGBTQI+’s Voice in Politics – VoiceIt VoiceIt aims at increasing the participation and the direct involvement of LGBTQI+ individuals in the political decision making.

Best4OlderLGBTI – Best interest for the Older LGBTI Best4OlderLGBTI aims at reducing the inequalities and discrimination faced by older LGBTIs when attending public services or

EpsiLon – Equipping Professionals for Supporting LGBT Refugees Increasing the knowledge, skills and awareness of all adult professionals who come in contact with LGBT migrants

Look Wide! – Developing a working method to support LGBTI victims of GBV by integrating gender and sexual diversity Look Wide supports LGBTI victims of

HOMBAT – Combating HOMophoBic And Transphobic bullying in schools HOMBAT aims to create a solid and sustainable framework for the prevention and combating of Homophobic

E.T.Ho.S: Eliminating Transphobic, Homophobic and biphobic Stereotypes through better media representation E.T.Ho.S. project has emerged from people’s drive to challenge long-lasting stereotypes and prejudices against

DIVERCITY – Preventing and combating homo- and transphobia in small and medium cities across Europe Project Number: JUST/2014/RRAC/AG/BEST/6693 Ensuring the fundamental rights of LGBT people.