#HateTrackers Beyond Borders HateTrackers aspires to promote active citizenship among youth by bringing them together to prevent and combat online hate speech. Grant Agreement: 2022-2-IT03-KA220-YOU-000096741

MAX – Maximizing Migrants’ Contribution to Society MAX aims at changing the public perception of migrants’ contribution to society. Grant Agreement Number: 821672 Funded by:

YouthMythBusters YouthMythBusters aims to promote the civic and political engagement of young people at risk of social exclusion and to fight fake news, manipulation and

COMMunIcation campaign against exTremism and radicalisation COMMIT aims at preventing and dissuading vulnerable young people (13-25 years old) from extremism, violent radicalisation and terrorism. Grant

E.T.Ho.S: Eliminating Transphobic, Homophobic and biphobic Stereotypes through better media representation E.T.Ho.S. project has emerged from people’s drive to challenge long-lasting stereotypes and prejudices against

Words Are Stones
Words Are Stones Countering hate speech is essential for promoting tolerance and non-discrimination. Grant Agreement Number: 764672 Funded by: REC Duration: 11/2017-10/2019