MORE – Motivations, experiences and consequences of returns and readmissions policy: revealing and developing effective alternatives The project aims to enhance the EU’s migration strategy
History Box
History Box History Box uses history to facilitate migrants’ integration into the host countries. Project Number: 2022-1-BE01-KA220-ADU-000085771 Funded by: Erasmus+ Duration: 1/1/2022 –
In&InEducation – Inclusive education with an intersectional approach, for the school success of girls and boys of migrant origin The project aims to promote the
REFUGIN – Communitarian approach for a holistic young refugee long-term integration REFUGIN aims to improve young refugees’ medium-to-long-term integration, by capacitating educational and NGO professionals
P2T – Community
Parent involvement of migrant children P2T aims to showcase the crucial role of parental involvement in the educational success of migrant/refugee students. Grant Agreement Number:
Enhancing the participation of migrants through the creation of migrant councils MigrationVoicesHeard aims to promote refugee and migrant participation in the design and implementation of
PEARL – Promoting migrant youth participation in decision making processes and democratic life PEARL will develop educational resources and approaches for enhancing the participation of
STAGE – SupporTing migrAnt inteGration and combating racism at local level through digital servicEs Fostering social inclusion of migrants and their families in their host
NO left behind children
NO left behind children An Erasmus+ project that aims to develop new educational methods for migrant parents and parental educators and to encourage parents and
MEDIS – Mediterranean Inclusive Schools Promoting intercultural education as a key for social inclusion. Grant Agreement Number: 2017-3615/001-001 Funded by: Erasmus+ Duration:
Effective practices in education, mental health and psychosocial support for the integration of refugee children Refuge-ed aims at promoting the integration of migrant and refugee
Art huBs for youTh An Erasmus+ project aiming to promote intercultural dialogue through the establishment of Art Hubs. Grant Agreement Number: 2020-3-UK01-KA205-094207 Funded by: Erasmus+
FEINAMC – Disseminating and scaling up good practices to Foster Educational Inclusion of Newly Arrived Migrant Children An Erasmus+ project aiming to foster educational inclusion
RISING – Mentoring to raise motivated migrants An Erasmus+ project aiming to address the lack of motivation among migrants in participating in further education and
Inclusive Europe
Inclusive Europe: Build Bonds not Walls Inclusive Europe aims to favour the integration process of newly arrived migrants through intercultural dialogue and strengthening of social
FA.B! FAmily Based care for children in migration The project aims at supporting the improvement and expansion of alternative family-based care system for unaccompanied migrant
URBAN – Engaging Youth with Urban Gardening Activities The project aims at encouraging the active participation and education of local community members through setting up
INTEGRATED: Promoting Meaningful Integration of 3rd Country National Children to Education Strengthening the successful participation of newly arrived third-country national children in education and contributing to
MAMUMI – Mapping the Music of Migration Music as a tool for integrating migrants in the host society and combating discrimination against them. Grant Agreement
MAX – Maximizing Migrants’ Contribution to Society MAX aims at changing the public perception of migrants’ contribution to society. Grant Agreement Number: 821672 Funded by:
I-CARE – Intercultural Care in the Social and Healthcare Sector i-CARE aims at enhancing the services provided to people with different cultural background in the
MedLit – Media literacy for refugee, asylum seeking and migrant women Enhancing the media literacy competences of (low-skilled/low-qualified) refugee, asylum seeking and migrant women through
Net-Care: Networking and Care for Refugee and Migrant Women Net-Care aims at promoting the social inclusion of migrants and refugees victims of gender-based violence. Grant
M4M – Migrants for Migrants: Using the buddy system to foster integration of asylum seekers in the society Migrants for Migrants is focused on fostering
PAClife – Physical and Cultural Activity for Lifeskills Development Supporting young migrants and disadvantaged young people to increase resilience through physical and cultural activities. Grant
CO.S.M.I.C – Community Support for Migrant Informal Carers Project CO.S.M.I.C aims to support migrant informal carers, who are at risk of social exclusion, discrimination and
SupportVoC – Development of a Generic Support Services Model to enhance the Rights of Victims of Crime Contributing to the promotion and protection of the
CIRCLE: InClusIon of Refugee ChiLdren in Education CIRCLE aims at supporting the inclusion of refugee/migrant children in good quality education and reducing their drop-out
INSERT: Developing the competences of educators/professionals for the promotIoN of Social Entrepreneurship to adults with migRanT background INSERT aims at promoting the social entrepreneur spirit
EASE – Entrepreneurs for Autonomy, Self-development and Equality EASE aims to establish the benefits, or potential benefits of Education for adult refugee women, specifically in
4Mi – Data Collection
Mixed Migration Monitoring Mechanism Initiative (4Mi) – Data Collection in Greece Collecting data and understanding mixed migration trends to and within Europe. Contract Number: MMCEurope.2019.02.
IntegrAction – Action for socio-economic integration of refugees and asylum seekers IntegrAction aims at promoting the social and economic inclusion of refugees and asylum seekers
BASE – Migrant and refugee child-friendly support services in cases of sexual and gender-based violence Empowering migrant/refugee women as Cultural Advisors through the implementation of
Hopeful – Extending teacHers’ cOmPetences in the effective teaching of literacy, numeracy and digital skills to rEFUgee children HOPEFUL aims at promoting the successful integration
E-COURSE: EnhanCing the ParticipatiOn and Learning Performance of Migrant and RefUgee Children in PRimary School Education Access to quality education for migrant children is
MEDIS – Mediterranean Inclusive Schools Promoting intercultural education as a key for social inclusion. Grant Agreement Number: 2017-3615/001-001 Funded by: Erasmus+ Duration:
EpsiLon – Equipping Professionals for Supporting LGBT Refugees Increasing the knowledge, skills and awareness of all adult professionals who come in contact with LGBT migrants
European Migrant Entrepreneurship Network : Crossing borders for financial and business development services The promotion of migrant entrepreneurship is a challenge in all European countries, as they
VIM – Vitality Interventions for Migrants VIM aims at helping adult educators to support migrants improve their health as well as encourage them to use
SAFE – Supporting un-Accompanied children with Family-based care and Enhanced protection SAFE aims to enhance family-based care to promote welfare and ensure protection of unaccompanied
InterCap – Developing Capacities together: European CSO-University networks for global learning on migration, security and sustainable development in an interdependent world InterCap envisages to establish
Care 2 Work Care2Work aimed at facilitating the integration of young carers in the labor market and education, by developing their skills. Project Number: 2014-2-UK01-KA205-011967
Migreat! Supporting migrants into CVET The project aims to develop training procedures and tools to support training and employability of migrants in partner countries. Project
MOVE ON – Migration and Gender oriented Vocational and Educational Counselling Unlocking the potential of migrants living in European countries is crucial not only for
MINGLE: Migrant Language and Social Integration Helping migrants improve their language skills and overall knowledge on the hosting country’s formal procedures and practices. Grant Agreement