BestCare4LGBTQI+ | Curriculum and Toolkit for more inclusive care services for older LGBTQI+ residents

KMOP in collaboration with 4 organisations across Europe, has developed a Curriculum and a Toolkit in an effort to promote more inclusive care services for older LGBTQI+ residents.

The Curriculum aims to create an inclusive and safe environment for LGBTQI+ residents by training the professionals and the managers who work in care facilities. It includes topics regarding human rights, inclusion, discrimination, equality, use of inclusive language, gender identities and sexual orientations, person-centered approach techniques and other useful information. In order to reinforce the project aims, a Toolkit was developed with a compilation of tools, practical advice and organisations from the participating countries, to assist the trainees. In total, more than 100 professionals were trained.

This innovative training has been developed in the framework of the Erasmus+ project “BestCare4LGBTQI+ Building the capacities of service providers in elder residential care on how to provide a ​more inclusive service provision for Older LBGTQI+ users”. The mission of the BestCare4LGBTIQ+ project is to support the development of LGBTQI+ friendly older care services, providing tools, awareness-raising materials and learning resources to home care and residential care services managers and staff to ensure a better adapted, more respectful, and inclusive care for LGBTQI+ older people living in care facilities.

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