On July 20, 2023, KMOP participated in the 2nd Transnational Meeting of the European project Dive-In-Dialogue that aims to promote more inclusive schools and societies.
The partners from the European Dive-In-Dialogue project coming from the Netherlands, Hungary, and Spain, gathered in Slovenia for the transnational partnership meeting. While some partners from Greece, North Macedonia, and Spain joined remotely for various reasons, all partners convened with the same goal in mind: to continue their mission of knowledge exchange and sharing experiences.
The Dive-In-Dialogue project aims to involve European disadvantaged students in Dialogic Gatherings (educative and cultural activity where people get together to create knowledge and meaning about the best universal cultural and scientific knowledge), in order to improve their key competences and foster their inclusion in school and society. It also aims to train and empower teachers to use and disseminate this evidence-based practice, working transnationally and reaching disadvantaged students, their families, and communities.
During this transnational meeting, the project partners had the opportunity to review the achieved goals and milestones reached thus far, as well as to reflect and exchange ideas for the next steps. Among the key tasks discussed was the release of an electronic book that will consolidate the project insights and research findings. The partners also emphasised the creation of a Community of Practice that will serve as a source of inspiration for all involved.
Furthermore, the partners outlined the activities that the dialogue facilitators will need to carry out in the coming months. In the next academic year, the consortium intends to hold open house events, and on the 11th of December 2024, the project’s concluding conference is scheduled to take place.
During the 2024 school year, the recording of videos will commence, providing materials that will eventually be converted into informative videos for future Dialogic Gathering implementers.
After a very successful meeting, the hosts took the visitors on a guided tour of Novo Mesto, showcasing the beauty and culture of the region.