KMOP inaugurates a Friendly Space for women and girls

With the ultimate goal of giving a voice to ‘invisible’ women: those who feel isolated, who have experienced violence or abuse, who do not feel safe, KMOP inaugurated a Friendly Space for Women and Girls on Monday, January 29, 2024 (20 28th October Str., 2nd floor) in the presence of representatives from Civil Society organisations.

This space is open to women and girls aged 16 and over, of various nationalities, who may have experienced abuse, violence, or human trafficking and need a place where they can feel safe, connect with other women, and empower themselves and socialise through various activities.

This space is not a shelter or hostel for abused women, nor a community centre, or a one-stop service. Instead, it is an environment where participating women come to meet in an atmosphere of trust, confidentiality, safety, solidarity, inclusion, and cooperation to socialise and participate in activities (such as dance, movie screenings, crafts, and learning). The space will also provide counselling and psychosocial support, access to knowledge and resources, and serve as a referral point and link to Civil Society organisations.

Through their participation in the Friendly Space, women and girls will have the opportunity to empower themselves and be guided towards their personal development,” said the project manager, Ms. Natasa Alexopoulou. “There is a provision for survivors or women at risk of violence/exploitation/human trafficking to have access to the space, while maintaining confidentiality and referral to specialised services,” she added.

The aim is for women to feel that the space is their own; to be able to propose and assess activities, and to use their voice to speak up about their concerns.

By creating support networks with other women and teenage girls and participating in this space, the goal is for women and teens to feel that they belong somewhere they feel safe and supported,” said the scientific coordinator of the initiative, Ms. Georgia Alexandrou. “This will contribute to increasing their self-esteem and positive coping mechanisms for dealing with crises and difficulties, as well as strengthening the social resources essential for healing trauma and managing all they have suffered,” added the scientific coordinator of the initiative, Ms. Georgia Alexandrou.

The space is open to every woman/girl who wants to participate and will operate on Wednesdays and Fridays from 15:00 to 17:00 at the ELIX multispace (20 28th October Str., 2nd floor).

View the detailed activity programme for February here. You can register here.

It is noted that there will be a continous renewal of activities with the contribution of external collaborations as well as the women beneficiaries themselves.

For registrations or more information, contact the scientific coordinator of the initiative, Ms. Georgia Alexandrou, at [email protected] or [email protected].

The initiative is implemented within the framework of the European project SAFE HUT – Holding safe spaces for women and girls’ empowerment, aiming to facilitate the social and labour integration of vulnerable women and girls from third countries. The project is implemented by KMOP in collaboration with six organisations from Italy (CESIE and Centro Penc), Germany (International Rescue Committee), Lithuania (KOPŽI), Romania (AIDRom), and Bulgaria (Animus Association Foundation).

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