MIRAD | Symposium on the rehabilitation & reintegration of VETOs

MIRAD Symposium

KMOP is participating in the MIRAD Mid-term Stakeholder Symposium that will be held in Poznan (Poland) on September 28, 2022. We will be discussing on the topic of Working towards more efficient rehabilitation and reintegration of VETOs: The key role of risk assessment and multi-stakeholder cooperation.


All interested representatives of state authorities, law enforcement bodies and practitioners of prison staff, probation bodies, judicial and non-governmental organizations are warmly welcomed to participate in the Symposium.


The program of the event will include the following working panels:

  • The ever-changing nature of risk assessment: The need for tailor-made approaches
  • Risk screening before risk assessment: Evolution of right-wing radicalisation in Europe
  • A multidisciplinary, multi-stakeholder and cross-sectoral approach: The role of NGOs and CSOs in rehabilitating violent extremist or terrorist offenders (VETOs).

After each working panel, Symposium participants are invited to an active discussion and debate. The working languages are Polish and English (translation will be provided).


About the MIRAD project


The main goals of the MIRAD project are:

  • to support cooperation in the field of cessation of engagement and reintegration programs between public institutions and community organizations,
  • to organize training courses on IRS (Individual Radicalization Screening) with special emphasis on tools taking into account ideology and gender, increased effectiveness of decommissioning programs promoting transversal transition programs for VETOs.

MIRAD activities mainly focus on right-wing and Islamic radicalism with a significant gender dimension. Project tasks include developing a tool and training to assess the level of credibility of NGOs, extending the IRS with an ideology-aware component, a blended training approach, developing models and protocols for interinstitutional cooperation towards effective cessation of engagement and successful social reintegration. The duration of the project is 18 months, from January 1, 2022 to May 30, 2023.


More information about the MIRAD project can be found here.

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