KMOP held on February 2 & 3, in Athens, a two-day training seminar on the use of dialogic gatherings in the learning process. The purpose of the seminar was to enhance the integration of students from vulnerable backgrounds into society and education. The seminar was coordinated by the University of Barcelona, as part of the European initiative Dive-in-Dialogue, and was attended by 32 teachers from Greece, Spain, Slovenia, Hungary, and North Macedonia.
On the first day, the teachers had the opportunity to share their experiences and discuss the challenges they faced in incorporating dialogic gatherings with students in subjects like literature, music, art, and mathematics. The training ended with a visit to the 1st General Lyceum of Markopoulo, coordinated by the school’s Director, Mrs. Vasiliki Stathaki. Five teachers from the school, who have participated in the trainings, presented to the participants a dialogic gathering centered around Sophocles’ Antigone.
If you are an educator and want to learn more about how you can apply dialogic gatherings with your students, click here.