World Day against Trafficking in Persons

World Day Against Trafficking

The 30th of July is marked, every year, as the World Day against Trafficking in Persons, which aims to raise awareness of the plight of human trafficking victims, and promote their rights. Trafficking in persons constitutes one of the most serious crimes and violations of human rights. As commonly said, it is a modern form of slavery that deprives people of their dignity, freedom and fundamental rights.

According to the latest available EU data, between 2017 and 2018, there were more than 14,000 registered victims within the European Union. The actual number is considered to be much higher as many victims remain undetected. The majority of the victims in the EU are women and girls trafficked for sexual exploitation and, secondarily, for labor exploitation, while alarming is the fact that every fifth victim of trafficking in the EU is a child.

Within this context, the upcoming World Day against Trafficking in Persons reminds us of the imperative need to map the deeper roots of this form of violence, which affects thousands of people every year and highlights the need to combat it.

This issue has long been a priority for us at KMOP.  In order to help end human trafficking in all its forms, we design and implement innovative projects that focus on capacity building for professionals who work or are going to work with victims of trafficking, psycho-social support, and counseling for victims of trafficking for their labor market integration, awareness raising for human trafficking, as well as on the inter-agency collaboration and exchange of know-how with policymakers and stakeholders.

Get a glimpse of our action against trafficking and stay tuned for what’s coming next!

Coming Soon!

  • Event in Brussels: Enhancing the anti-trafficking identification, prevention and support mechanisms

KMOP – Social Action & Innovation Centre invites you to the event “Enhancing the anti-trafficking identification, prevention and support mechanisms”, that will be held in Brussels on September 27, 2022, 10.00 – 18.00 CET.

Find out more details and the pre-registration link here.


  • Τransnational exchange workshop in anti-trafficking

On 23 June 2022, we attended the online transnational exchange workshop “Amelie” where we discussed the different responses to trafficking by professionals in Italy, Belgium, Greece and Germany, focusing on the health care/ medical sector. To learn more about “Amelie” and our upcoming training material for healthcare professionals contact us at: [email protected]

  • Capacity Building Seminars for countering Trafficking in Human Beings to Lawyers and Professionals Working in Reception Centres

In 2021, we conducted a series of online trainings to 128 lawyers and professionals working in the reception and identification centres to help them detect the signs of trafficking and react properly to support the victims. Find out more:

  • Psychological Support Sessions to Women Victims of Trafficking

In 2021, we empowered 20 women, prior victims of trafficking, through 6 psychological support sessions aimed at facilitating their successful integration in the labor market. Find out more:


  • MoU with the Office of the Greek National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings

In 2021, we implemented common actions with the Office of the Greek National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings, based on the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that we have signed in order to contribute to the eradication of human trafficking. These actions included training and awareness raising activities, service provision to victims of trafficking, and the enhancement of multi-stakeholder collaboration through the exchange of know-how.

  • Active member in the EU Civil society e-platform

As an active member of the EU Civil society e-platform since 2013, we have the opportunity to discuss, share information, exchange of good practices and link with organisations providing services and assistance to victims of THB across Europe.

New Projects

  • RE-ACTIVATE – Enhancing early identification and protection mechanisms through capacity building interventions and the provision of legal aid

Our goal is to improve the anti-trafficking response system in order to produce better results, aiming to enhance identification and support mechanisms. Through a holistic approach from (early) identification to support phases, we aim at enhancing the mechanisms in place and address the emerging trends in the THB industry (new migration flows, war in Ukraine and displacement, internal trafficking within the EU, online recruitment and COVID-19). Stay tuned for more.

  • ERADICATING – Enhancing pRevention AnD multI-agenCy cooperAtion against TraffickING

We aim to enhance the prevention and identification mechanisms through capacity building of the Law Enforcement Authorities (LEAs) and increased multi-agency collaboration. Find out more:

  • WINGS – Supporting Women survivors of trafficking through a Comprehensive Integration Programme

We intend to contribute to the enhanced integration of third-country national women VoT through a multi-layered action that includes linguistic and psychological support, labor market counseling, and integration into the local labor market through individual internship offers. Find out more:

👉 To find out all our projects on Human Trafficking click here

Together we can amplify our impact! Contact us at: [email protected]

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