WEALTHY MINDS Wealthy Minds focuses on the role of financial literacy in empowering women and girls and helping them overcome poverty. Grant Agreement Number: 2021-2-PL001-KA220-YOU-0000488574
EXIT – Exploring Sustainable Strategies to Counteract Territorial Inequalities from an Intersectional Approach The project will provide an in-depth analysis of ‘left-behindness’ and identify strategies
Opportunities 4 All
Opportunities 4 All Fighting discrimination and promoting equal opportunities for the social integration of people living in absolute poverty in the Region of Central Macedonia.
ParentBank- Enhancing the social inclusion of low income single parents ParentBank aims at facilitating the labor market integration of low-income single parents. Grant Agreement Number:
F.R.I.E.N.D.E.S.K. -Foster Reception for Inclusive Educational Needs: Development of Educational Support for Kids The project aims to reduce social exclusion of children 0-6 years old
Youth2Work: Career Support for Unemployed Youth Better access to labour market for youth unemployed, especially NEETs. Grant Agreement Number: 2012-1-CH1-LEO05-00391 Funded by: Leonardo Da Vinci