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Archimedes: Tool for measuring social impact

The project Archimedes: Tool for measuring social impact is being implemented under the Active citizens fund in Greece by KMOP. The Active Citizens Fund in Greece is supported through a € 12m grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway as part of the EEA Grants 2014 – 2021. The program aims to develop the sustainability and capacity of the civil society sector in Greece, and to strengthen its role in promoting and safeguarding democratic procedures, active citizenship and human rights. The Fund Operator for the Active Citizens Fund in Greece is Bodossaki Foundation in consortium with SolidarityNow.

For more information:

Contract Number: B.3.10

Funded by: Active Citizens Fund        Duration:07/2020-06/2022


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Modern societies are complex and based on technological advancements, such as the rise of artificial intelligence and the data economy, and economic growth. In such environments, inequalities are on the rise and so is the need to ensure the protection of human rights and social cohesion. In order to do so, multilevel stakeholders and policymakers need to design policies/programs that create social value. Given the complexity of the modern world, traditional tools used to evaluate the impact and value of these programs do not address current challenges. Archimedes aims to collect and use novel data in order to describe a holistic framework for assessing the social impact of projects, actions and investments.


The project aims to develop a comprehensive database which combines micro and macro level data in order to develop a multilevel approach for the evaluation of the social impact of policies/programs/actions. The tool will use and present a broad spectrum of data across different domains of life aiming to provide a context-specific definition of what is beneficial to society.


KMOP will develop a digital tool, that uses multilevel novel data in order to deliver context-specific elasticities of different social fabrics in relation to different policies/programs. These elasticities are the pillars of a comprehensive impact evaluation methodology.

KMOP will pilot test the digital tool in ten (10) projects, implemented by public authorities or enterprises. The results of the pilot test will be used for the development of a Guide.

KMOP will develop a Capacity Building Program for civil society employees and / or volunteers with the aim of developing their skills in applying the digital evaluation tool, reporting and presenting the results and using the data for the implementation of evidence-based advocacy. Training workshops will be held in Athens and Thessaloniki.

At least ten (10) Civil Society Organizations will implement the digital tool in topics related to the social impact of projects/actions undertaken by public authorities or enterprises.

The results will be used for the implementation of advocacy campaigns, aiming at changing policies, actions, practices and strengthening the “voice” of social excluded and marginalized people.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre

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