BASE – Migrant and refugee child-friendly support services in cases of sexual and gender-based violence
Empowering migrant/refugee women as Cultural Advisors through the implementation of a training program, which will address gender-based violence.
Funded by: REC Duration: 01/2019-01/2021

According to the estimates by the European Parliament (2008/2071INI), there are 500.000 women and girls in Europe who have been subjected to FGM and, 180.000 (36%) female emigrants undergo or are in danger of undergoing, FGM. Additionally, according to the General Secretariat for Gender Equality report (2018) regarding the beneficiaries of their services, during 2018, the help-line received 5.088 calls, 4.116 (82%) out of which were incidents of gender-based violence. From the women that contacted the help-line, only 262 (9%) were migrants. It should be noted that despite the large influxes of migrants and refugees in Greece, there is no official data available for incidents of gender-based violence against migrants and refugees.
BASE aims at empowering migrant/refugee women as Cultural Advisors through the implementation of a training program, which will address gender-based violence, in order to foster communication between support service professionals and girls victims of GBV.

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