Care 2 Work

Care2Work aimed at facilitating the integration of young carers in the labor market and education, by developing their skills.

Project Number: 2014-2-UK01-KA205-011967

Funded by: Erasmus+        Duration: 02/2015-05/2017  


Young carers from Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups (BAME) are a minority group but their presence in European families is now becoming more visible, as they carry out significant tasks and assume a level of responsibility. They are defined as young persons who provide support to other family members.

Young carers experience serious educational disadvantage caused by factors such as poor attainment, restricted peer networks and bullying. For these reasons they face long term consequences including lack of qualifications that further prohibit their access to employment or further education. Consequently, young carers are trapped in a vicious cycle of poverty, making them one of the most marginalized communities in our society.


By developing the skills of young carers, Care2Work aimed at facilitating their integration in the labor market and education, and preventing them from being marginalized and becoming NEETs.


National and transnational reports have been developed to identify the needs and problems faced by young carers. They also present the current policy and practice landscape in the participating countries (UK, GR, IT, SWE).

Read the national report here.

Read the Full Report here.

A training course has been developed to help young carers strengthen the skills that have acquired through their experience as care providers. The training course includes the following subjects: teamwork, leadership, communication skills, resilience, stress management, conflict management and empathy.

For more information please click here.

A training course has been designed to explore some skills that Young Carers develop through their caring activity, such as resilience, perception, empathy and conflict management. This course will help professionals to improve their knowledge on the needs and realities of young carers and will provide them with key tools and resources to support young carers in empowering their soft skills and transferring them into other areas of their lives.

For more information, please click here.

A Policy Recommendation (E-book) was developed which underlines the barriers faced by young carers when accessing employment, education or training, while it includes recommendations to stakeholders working with young carers.

Read the Final Report here.

Training workshop for professionals
Training workshop for young carers
European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre
IARS (UK – Project Coordinator)
Anziani e non Solo
Anziani e Non Solo (Italy)
Linnaeus University (Sweden)

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