Technical assistance to support CSO development in the Republic of Moldova
Contract Number: 2017/388/484
Funded by: Europeaid Duration: 12/09/2017-12/09/2020
Organizational capacity continued to increase since 2014 as CSOs have started to view organizational development as a real need, not just a donor requirement. CSOs now pay more attention to internal management, rules, and procedures, as well as appropriate distinctions between managerial and administrative functions and governance functions. At the same time, CSOs have started to improve their legitimacy by involving representatives of local public authorities, businesses, and communities in organizational governance and management.
However, financial problems and staff professionalism remain the greatest challenges facing CSOs. The shortage of professional staff is a stringent problem not only for the public and private sectors, but for CSOs as well. Other current problems faced by many of the civil society organizations are material and technical, as well concerning access to information of public interest or social resistance to the reform and change promoted by the organizations.
The overall objective is to contribute to the development of civil society in becoming a stronger actor, including in actively participating in decision and policy making and implementation processes of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement with the aim of enhancing domestic accountability and transparency. Assistance will be provided to the EU Delegation in Moldova in order to achieve this goal.
Therefore, the development of civil society in Moldova is based on the following activities:
This programme is implemented by KMOP Led Consortium. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission