Drop In: Early School Leavers

Drop In aims at enhancing the basic and transversal skills of young drop-outs and reintroducing them in the labour market.

Grant Agreement Number: 2017-1-UK01-KA205-035400

Funded by: Erasmus+        Duration: 09/2017- 08/2019   

Drop-In project logo


Early school leaving (ESL) and dropping-out are often seen as a problem for young people. The percentage of Early School Leavers in Europe was 10.7% in 2016. Fewer young women (9.2% in 2016) leave education and training early than young men (12.2). This increases the likelihood of unemployment or precarious work, as they lack basic qualifications and skills, exacerbating thus their integration in labour market. Specifically, young people with low skills are more vulnerable to unemployment. In particular, the percentage in Greece is 41%, in Cyprus 32%, in Italy 38%, in Romania 21% and in the UK 11.5%.


By developing a tailor-made gamification platform, Drop-In aims at enhancing the basic and transversal skills of young drop-outs and reintroducing them in the labour market, linking the market demands with their needs.


A training curriculum developed to enhance the skills and knowledge of young school drop-outs, aiming to enhance their skills and career development. The training curriculum consists of 9 modules: Personal Development, Critical Thinking, Social Skills, Civic Responsibility, Career Planning, Basic Project Management, Basic Finance, Digital Literacy and Enterprise.

The training curriculum is available online and includes best practices, case studies, videos and quizzes. The platform is available in 4 languages: Greek, English, Italian, Romanian.

For more information, click here.

A policy recommendation report will be developed as an e-book, including best practices and recommendations for stakeholders working with young people.

International Conference
February 8th 2019, Piraeus
International Conference February 8th 2019, Piraeus

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European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre
IARS (UK – Project Coordinator)
CARDET (Cyprus)
In Europa (Italy)
Schottener Foundation Social Services (Romania)

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