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E-COURSE: EnhanCing the ParticipatiOn and Learning Performance of Migrant and RefUgee Children in PRimary School Education                                                       

Access to quality education for migrant children is key prerequisite for successfully integrating them in the host society.

Funded by: Erasmus+ Duration: 01/10/2017-30/09/2019  


According to a policy  brief (Education of Migrant Children, Barbara Janta & Emma Harte) children with migrant background tend to have lower education performance and are more likely to leave school than native children. In 2015, among the highest shares of foreign-born early leavers from education & training were found in Italy (31.3%) & Greece (24.1%). Specifically, Greece  has been at the crossroads of the great refugee and migrant flow. Arrivals in Greece amounted to 176.906 in 2016 compared to 857.363 in 2015. It is estimated that 6,000  children have been registered in public schools all over Greece.

However, a significant number of refugee children continue to lack any access to education due to the fact that they are stranded in refugee camps in the Greek islands or do not have access to  the education system.


By providing support to migrants/refugees students through the School Support Platform, E-Course aims at enhancing their learning performance and better integrating them in the hosting societies.


A National report has identified the skills and challenges that teachers face in primary education, by interviewing teachers and making a comprehensive literature review in the related field.

Read the report here.

A school support platform (for teachers, parents and migrants, refugees and newly-arrived students) has been developed to support migrants, refugees and newly-arrived students in the educational system, enhance teachers’ skills for their daily interaction with students with migrant background and assist parents of migrants, refugees and newly-arrived students with the challenges in the new school environment.

The School Support Platform includes modules for teachers, online homework support for migrant students and online forum for the communication between migrant students/ parents with the school/teachers.

Visit the School Support Platform.

A policy methodology paper developed for the elaboration and implementation of school diversity policies and action plans.

Conference: Intercultural Education as a tool for social inclusion – Thessaloniki. 20-21/09/2019

Conference: Intercultural Education as a tool for social inclusion – Thessaloniki. 20-21/09/2019

Conference: Intercultural Education as a tool for social inclusion – Thessaloniki. 20-21/09/2019
European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre
IMA-Institut für Migrations- und Aussiedlerfragen Heimvolkshochschule St. Hedwigs-Haus e.V. (Germany)
4-Elements (Greece)
Canary Wharf Consulting (UK)
CARDET (Cyprus)
CESIE (Italy)
ESHA-European School Heads Association (Netherlands)
Pistes Solidaires (France)

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