
E.T.Ho.S: Eliminating Transphobic, Homophobic and biphobic Stereotypes through better media representation

E.T.Ho.S. project has emerged from people’s drive to challenge long-lasting stereotypes and prejudices against LGBT in EU by targeting one of the most powerful sources of representation, the media.

Grant Agreement Number: 777265

Funded by: REC        Duration: 02/01/2018-31/12/2019


The EU LGBT Survey conducted by the Fundamental Rights Agency 2013 has indicated that LGBT people face a  less inclusive social environment. Specifically, discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation is 60% in Croatia and Lithuania and 48% in Greece. 


E.T.Ho.S project aims at positively influencing the media representation of LGBT people and the policy making toward the elimination of homophobic, transphobic and biphobic media discourse, by bringing together LGBT organizations, NGOs, media professionals and media students.


E.T.Ho.S project has identified the needs and challenges  of media professionals and media students, by conducting desk research, interviews and focus groups. All the background information is depicted in the LGBT Media Guide, including: basic terminology, legal issues, dominant stereotypes and prejudices against LGBT people in the mainstream political and media discourse and code of conduct.

For more information download the LGBT Media Guide for media professionals and media students.

A tailor-made training program (for journalists and media students) has been produced to equip the media professionals and media students with the necessary skills to prevent the (re)production of harmful stereotypes against the LGBT community when reporting on issues directly or indirectly relevant to LGBT people.

516 media professionals and students were trained in 3 countries.

For more information download the training manual for journalists and media students.

All the accumulated knowledge will be summarized on a policy recommendation paper, aiming to increase awareness about the phenomenon of homophobic/transphobic/ biphobic media discourse among decision makers, professionals and the public in the 3 countries.

For more information download the Policy Recommendation Paper.

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, training to media students
Meeting with the Secretary-General for Social Solidarity and the Fight against Poverty
The content of this description represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre (Project Coordinator)
Colour Youth – Athens LGBT Youth Community
Lithuanian Gay League (Lithuania)
CGI Porec (Croatia)

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