Eldi-Care: Matching Skills in a Growing European Silver Economy

Eldi-Care aims to improve the key competences and skill level of caregivers, especially with regards to the quality of services provided to older people.

Grant Agreement Number: 2018-2453/001-001

Funded by: Erasmus+        Duration: 1/11/2018 – 31/10/2020  

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The latest statistics show that during the last decade the share of population aged over 65 years in the EU-28 has increased by 2%, reaching almost 18% of total population, while the share of population aged over 80 years is more than 5%. According to Eurostat projections, population structure will alter so dramatically the following decades that by 2080 the share of the population over 65 years old will be almost one third of the total population.

Adaptation to an ageing society requires enhanced efforts from all to maintain older peoples’ sustained social inclusion. It also requires creating age friendly environments, including the mainstreaming of accessibility, and products and services that can be used by all.


Eldi-Care aims to improve the key competences and skill level of caregivers especially with regards to the quality of services provided to older people, bridging the gap between the world of education and training, creating new jobs and maximizing employment opportunities. This will be achieved by designing two fresh market-driven Curricula responding to the needs of older people and their families and closed ones.


Design and development of two VET Curricula that will enhance the employability of elderly caregivers across Europe within the areas of Digital & New Technologies. The purpose of these curricula is to define the expectations of each learning activity, guide the trainers in the teaching process, choice of methods, etc. and inform learners about what they are expected to be able to do/know after the learning activity.

Methodological tools and learning & teaching resources that will be designed and developed for trainers, learners and employers in Greece, Spain, Germany and the UK.

This action includes the design and delivery of a self-assessment tool, which is going to guide individual caregivers into the modules of the curriculum that has to be studied in order to take part in the certification process.

The psychometric tool aims to ensure the appropriateness and mental health of elderly caregivers. In parallel, it is expected to contribute to minimizing phenomena of misconduct and malpractice of the care workers at the expenses of the elderly.

The curricula, as well the teachers’ guides, learners’ handbooks and all other related resources and materials, will be modified and adapted to each country’s specific context.

The piloting of the curricula will be delivered and assessed in each country. Each curriculum is designed to be delivered through face-to-face classrooms, digital/virtual classes, online individual training and work-based learning.

European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre
AKMI Anonimi Ekpaideftiki Etairia (Greece – Project Coordinator)

Asisttel (Spain)
University of Malaga (Spain)
ACQUIN (Germany)
Metropolitan College (AMC) (Greece)
BQS GmbH Döbern (Germany)
Age Concern Birmingham (UK)
Staffordshire University (UK)
Skybridge Partners (Greece)
APSS (Czech Republic)
European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB)

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