FAROS – Feature a protective environment for LGBTI+ persons 

FAROS aims at improving access for LGBTI+ people to protection and services, as well as combating hate crimes.

Grant Agreement Number: 875232

Funded by: REC        Duration: 31/01/2020 – 31/12/2021 


In spite of the existence of standards at European and National level earmarking the principle of equality and the right for everyone to participate in social activities and have access to public services, a gap between norms and reality still exists, and the discriminations towards LGBTI+ are apparent. At the same time, the current protection framework fails to monitor, prevent and combat hate speech and racism towards LGBTI+. Consequently, racist crimes against LGBTI+ in Greece are under-reported, while public servants do not have any guidelines or guides on how to deal with issues concerning LGBTI+ individuals, neither have received any training.


FAROS aims at improving access for LGBTI+ people to protection and services, as well as combating hate crimes by enhancing the skills of public servants to better deal with the special needs of LGBTI+ people and developing a network of stakeholders and interested parties which  will serve as a safety net for LGBTI+ people. The cooperation between LGBTI+ organizations, NGOs and public authorities assures an interdisciplinary approach to address the challenge of combating intolerance towards LGBTI+ people.


The identification of gaps between norms and reality will be based on desk and field research (in-depth interviews with experts and professionals; focus groups with representatives of LGBTI+ communities and public servants). The research report will highlight the under-reporting of hate crimes and the barriers to access public services and protection, while the capacities of public servants that need to be build will be defined. Additionally, useful data on previous implemented actions will be recorded and personal stories of LGBTI+ victims of racist violence will be collected.

Training seminars will take place mainly in Athens, but also at the reception sites of the Aegean islands and Evros. Thus the capacities of public servants will be build, allowing them to ensure a respectful and welcoming environment for LGBTI+ Greek and non-Greek citizens.

The capacity building programme will cover topics such as: Definitions and awareness raising, identifying and dealing with barriers to access protection and services for LQBTI+, identifying ways to ensure a welcoming environment of LQBTI+, ways to encourage victims of racist/hate violence, crime and/or speech to report their cases, developing staff policies that ensure inclusion of LQBTI+ employees in the working place etc.

The guide will be consisted of two parts: Part 1: general information, basic definitions and relevant legislation (including hate/discrimination crime definitions and legislation). Part 2: specific guidelines per public service (i.e. different chapters will provide guidelines to different services: one chapter will provide guidelines tailored to the needs of educators, a separate chapter will cover issues related to the services provided by health professionals etc.).

A network of stakeholders and interested parties will be established, which will serve as a safety net for LGBTI+. Through participatory events (consultation workshops), a Memorandum of Understanding will be developed and co-signed. Representatives of key public services and stakeholders will have the opportunity to exchange views and common concerns, to identify gaps, to propose solutions and recommend the changes for policy reform. Furthermore, interested parties will have the opportunity to define joint actions and expand their network.

Organization of information days, aiming at promoting the training seminars and participatory events, as well as encouraging their mainstreaming among public authorities and other relevant stakeholders.

Furthermore, a final conference will be held in Athens to inform relevant stakeholders and wider audience about FAROS activities and impact.


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Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre
(Project Coordinator)

Orlando LGBT+ (Greece)
Colour Youth (Greece)
Rainbow Families Greece (Greece)
Positive Voice (Greece)
Ministry of Justice  (Greece)

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