FAROS – Feature a protective environment for LGBTI+ persons
FAROS aims at improving access for LGBTI+ people to protection and services, as well as combating hate crimes.
Grant Agreement Number: 875232
Funded by: REC Duration: 31/01/2020 – 31/12/2021
In spite of the existence of standards at European and National level earmarking the principle of equality and the right for everyone to participate in social activities and have access to public services, a gap between norms and reality still exists, and the discriminations towards LGBTI+ are apparent. At the same time, the current protection framework fails to monitor, prevent and combat hate speech and racism towards LGBTI+. Consequently, racist crimes against LGBTI+ in Greece are under-reported, while public servants do not have any guidelines or guides on how to deal with issues concerning LGBTI+ individuals, neither have received any training.
FAROS aims at improving access for LGBTI+ people to protection and services, as well as combating hate crimes by enhancing the skills of public servants to better deal with the special needs of LGBTI+ people and developing a network of stakeholders and interested parties which will serve as a safety net for LGBTI+ people. The cooperation between LGBTI+ organizations, NGOs and public authorities assures an interdisciplinary approach to address the challenge of combating intolerance towards LGBTI+ people.
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