Gamify your Teaching

Gamify your teaching: Increasing Vocational Competences of Entrepreneurship for Teachers with the use of Gamification

Gamify provides better entrepreneurial education through gamification in teaching methods.

Project Number: 2015-1-RO01-KA202-014975

Funded by: Erasmus+        Duration: 9/2015 – 9/2017



Even though youth unemployment has decreased during the last years, it still remains high in Europe, with more than 3,5 million young people being unemployed. The EU average is approximately 13%, but in many countries the percentage is still higher. The youth unemployment rates are higher mainly in southern European countries, with Greece ranking in the 1st position (39%). These numbers have intensified the need for implementing new methods in education in order to enhance the skills of young people.

According to The Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan the youth unemployment rate in EU could be decreased through the creation of new business. However, teachers do not know an appropriate way to teach entrepreneurship, therefore better teaching methods are required in order teachers to foster the entrepreneurial skills of young people.


The main aim of the Gamify Your Teaching project is to support professional development of vocational competences of teachers and trainers of entrepreneurship and to enhance ICT teaching through an innovative pedagogy and approach to teaching with the use of gamification.


A transnational report developed to gather information about the ICT competences of teachers and the familiarity of young people with the online games.

The Game is an interactive experience that motivates and actively engages learners in the learning process. It includes 7 modules simulating activities teaching entrepreneurial skills divided into levels, based on scenarios and embedded content about entrepreneurship. Each level in the game is a complete and playable “scene” following a case-solving approach, consisting of background (introductory) information, a number of possible learning paths to be taken in response to the decisions and actions made, and appropriate scoring measures defining the player’s individual performance.

You can find more information about the Game here.

A didactic material was developed to support teachers in using the online game during their entrepreneurship classes.

It consists of at least 35 examples of successful businesses, which serve as an inspiration and motivation for entrepreneurial education.

Multiplier event held by KMOP at the Thessaloniki Technopolis
European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre
Consiliul National al Intreprinderilor Private Mici si Mijlocii din Romania (Project Coordinator – Romania)
Inova Consultancy (UK)
Socialiniu inovaciju fondas (Lithuania)
Center of Education and Enterprise Support (Poland)
FyG Consultores (Spain)
InEuropa Srl (Italy)

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