
GO SPORT – Promoting good governance in sport through social responsibility

GoSport is a European initiative aiming to encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities in sports by  improving good governance within sports organizations.

Grant Agreement Number: 613172-EPP-1-2010-1-EL-SPO-SCP

Funded by: Erasmus+        Duration: 01/2020-12/2021   

GoSport project


Sports can play a key role in combating discrimination, promoting human rights, resilient communities, tolerance and inclusive communities. Within this context, social responsibility is linked with sports organization, as there is a common ground of activities for promoting positive social impact. For this reason, it is crucial to increase sports organizations’ capacities and abilities to implement socially responsible behaviour and lead awareness on social issues by enhancing their organizational governance in the context of social responsibility. This is important not only for professional teams and clubs, but also for all types of for-profit and non-profit sports organizations, such as semi-professional and amateur sports clubs, (multi)sports clubs and sports academies etc.


GoSport focuses on the incorporation of social responsibility within the organizational strategy of sports organizations in order to bring them closer to society and to raise awareness on societal issues.


Guide on recognizing social responsibility and understanding the relationships between a sports organization and society, the organization and its stakeholders and the stakeholders and society. Furthermore, the Guide emphasizes on identifying relevant core subjects and issues of social responsibility and how social responsibility can be effectively integrated throughout a (for-profit and a non-profit) sports organization.

The awareness raising & training toolkit aims at building and enhancing the skills of the leadership and staff of non-profit/community (multi)sports and sports academies on how to implement good governance principles through social responsibility, focusing on participation and inclusivity and the promotion of human rights.

The awareness raising & training toolkit for the managerial, CSR department (if existing) and other staff (incl. coaches) of professional and semi-professional sports teams and clubs emphasizes on implementing good governance principles through social responsibility, focusing on inclusivity irrespective of gender, race, sexuality, disability, age or otherwise and the promotion of human rights.

The development of the aforementioned toolkits in a digital format and their dissemination through a dedicated section of the website.

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European  Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre (Project Coordinator)
CARDET (Cyprus)
CESIE (Italy)
The Croatian Institute for CSR (Croatia)
Bulgarian Sports Development Association (Bulgaria)

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