Hopeful – Extending teacHers’ cOmPetences in the effective teaching of literacy, numeracy and digital skills to rEFUgee children

HOPEFUL aims at promoting the successful integration of refugee children in education and improving their school performance.

Grant Agreement Number:  2019-1-MT01-KA201-051267

Funded by: Erasmus+        Duration: 10/2019-09/2021   


As a repercussion of wars and the refugee crisis, a significant percentage of refugee children currently residing in EU Member States have been out of the school environment for several years, and many have never attended school, although they are of school age. Despite the fact that EU statistics show that refugee children have lower educational performance and are more likely to leave school earlier, the educational policies from EU states have been slow in addressing the needs of refugee students.

Refugee children face barriers in order to successfully integrate in the hosting society, as they do not speak the hosting country language and most of them have been out of school for several years. This has intensified the need for tailor-made training provision to the school teachers in order to effectively improve the school performance of refugee children (in literacy, numeracy and digital skills) and address their needs.


By developing a diagnostic tool for the assessment of literacy, numeracy & digital competences, gaps and needs of refugee children and enhancing the teachers’ skills on the aforementioned topics, HOPEFUL aims at promoting the successful integration of refugee children in education and improving their school performance.


National reports aim to identify in detail the competences that secondary school teachers should possess for the teaching of literacy, numeracy and/or digital skills to refugee and/or migrant children with interrupted education and minimal native (and/or English) language skills.

The Capacity Building Programme for teachers aims at developing and extending teachers’ competences in the effective teaching of literacy, numeracy and digital skills to refugee children, including through the use of ICT. Secondary school teachers and possibly school counsellors/advisors will be trained through the Capacity Building Program.

The diagnostic tool – to be used by teachers – assesses the literacy, numeracy and digital competences, gaps and needs of secondary school age students with minimal native (and/or English) language skills. Workshops will be organized with teachers of refugee students to test the diagnostic tool.

The online platform will be used as a virtual learning environment, where users will find online modules & manuals, participate in learning activities, use assessment tools to evaluate their performance and/or communicate with other learners and/or instructors.

European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre

Solidarity and Overseas Service Malta (Malta)
CARDET (Cyprus)
CESIE (Italy)
Verein Multikulturell (Austria)

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