INSERT: Developing the competences of educators/professionals for the promotIoN of Social Entrepreneurship to adults with migRanT background
INSERT aims at promoting the social entrepreneur spirit to low-skilled migrants as an alternative career pathway.
Grant Agreement Number: 2017-1-UK01-KA204-036747
Funded by: Erasmus+ Duration: 10/2017-10/2019
The EU social economy, according to the EC, has employed more than 11 million people, about 6% of the active workforce: out of these, 26% are employed in social enterprises. Social enterprises represent an excellent pathway for creating new job opportunities for migrants, fostering their empowerment and enabling them to work in a fair and equal environment, including as entrepreneurs.
However, there is a significant lack of entrepreneurial skills and awareness around social enterprise principles. Entrepreneurial education is not yet sufficiently integrated into the education system and most people lack the skills necessary for entering the modern business landscape.
By developing the competences of professionals working with migrants, INSERT aims at promoting the social entrepreneur spirit to low-skilled migrants as an alternative career pathway.

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Project Partners

BEST (Austria)