INSERT: Developing the competences of educators/professionals for the promotIoN of Social Entrepreneurship to adults with migRanT background

INSERT aims at promoting the social entrepreneur spirit to low-skilled migrants as an alternative career pathway.

Grant Agreement Number: 2017-1-UK01-KA204-036747

Funded by: Erasmus+        Duration: 10/2017-10/2019 

Logo of INSERT project


The EU social economy, according to the EC, has employed more than 11 million people, about 6% of the active workforce: out of these, 26% are employed in social enterprises. Social enterprises represent an excellent pathway for creating new job opportunities for migrants, fostering their empowerment and enabling them to work in a fair and equal environment, including as entrepreneurs.

However, there is a significant lack of entrepreneurial skills and awareness around social enterprise principles. Entrepreneurial education is not yet sufficiently integrated into the education system and most people lack the skills necessary for entering the modern business landscape.


By developing the competences of professionals working with migrants, INSERT aims at promoting the social entrepreneur spirit to low-skilled migrants as an alternative career pathway.


A transnational report developed to assess the learning and training needs and challenges for the educators and professionals working with adult migrants. The transnational report is based on interviews with professionals working with adult migrants, as well as migrants.

Read the Transnational Report.

An online educational program (for educators and professionals working with adult migrants) has been developed to promote the social entrepreneurship spirit among low-skilled migrants and raise awareness on the alternative pathways to pursue their self-sustainability as potential social entrepreneurs.

The modules developed are the following:
MODULE 1 – Introduction to Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship
MODULE 2 – Social Venture Design – Creating a Social Business Model
MODULE 3 – Setting up, managing and growing a social enterprise

The INSERT capacity building course is translated in all languages of participating countries (English, Greek, French, Italian and Austrian) and it is available at project’s Web-based e-learning platform.

The implementation of the social learning e-centres, involves the selection of professionals to be trained, the delivery of training to trainers, the set up and activation of the network of informal social learning e-centres and the drafting of validation & certification methodology. The delivery of trainings has been carried out during the period April-June 2019, and after that partners set up and activated the network of informal social learning e-centres, in which the initially selected trained educators/professionals working with migrants were able to further recruit and train new peers by using the same curriculum. The recruitment of the new professionals (peers) has been done though the partners’ active networking and collaboration with organisations supporting migrants (Municipal Authorities, NGOs, etc.).

Focus group with migrants
Meeting in Vienna
European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre
Point Europa (UK – Coordinator)   

BEST (Austria)
Pistes-Solidaires (France)
Liberazione & Speranza – LeS (Italy)
EEO GROUP (Greece)

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