InterCap – Developing Capacities together: European CSO-University networks for global learning on migration, security and sustainable development in an interdependent world
InterCap envisages to establish European CSOs-University networks, build the capacities of the education actors and promote global learning on migration, security and sustainable development in an interdependent world.
Project Number: CSO-LA/2017/388-136
Funded by: EuropeAid Duration: 11/2017-10/2020
Terrorism and extremist ideology are considered as a main challenge for security at global scale by a large number of EU citizens. This perception negatively influences the promotion of collaboration among EU and developing countries, creating thus an obstacle for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
By enhancing teachers’ understanding of migration in the context of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), InterCap changes the educational methods aiming at achieving social inclusion of migrants and refugee students and eradicating the stereotypes about migration and insecurity.