
Enhancing the Digital and Social Well-being in Schools

The main aim of the project is to develop alternative innovative training material to empower primary school students, aged 6 – 12, to enhance their social well-being and create healthy and active citizens of the future.

Funded by: Erasmus+ Duration: 01/09/2020-31/08/2022  


Nowadays, students’ well-being in European schools has become a challenge for numerous teachers to confront, partly due to the needs of the new digital world. This has intensified the need to develop effective tools for primary school students to have a healthy online life (JRC) and to reap the benefits from the digital era.

Within this context, all educators and school leaders should acquire the necessary skills to teach their students how to benefit the most of this great potential that is provided to them. What makes this critical is research evidence, which shows that young people do not have the appropriate skills that a person needs in the new digital world (European Commission, 2015).

Apart from this, the inappropriate use of internet can lead to behavioural changes of young people, such as the increase of solitude and the need of avoiding other people’s company to stay alone in order to surf the Internet (Eurostat,2015). Moreover young people can be exposed to inappropriate online content that results in stress or aggression.  


By providing primary teachers with the necessary skills –based on a comic strip approach- to undertake the role of “active health agents”, iWell aims empowering primary school students, aged 9 – 12, to lead a healthy online life and boost their social well-being.


Α suite of comics will be developed, including 10 themed comic strips where a health literacy “Superhero” deals with issues related to health literacy and social well-being. The main topics presented in these comics strips are: self-perceived health, positive mental health, healthy behaviours, mental and physical illness, social connectedness, emotional well-being, factors in the physical and social environment, social wellbeing, psychological well-being, digital mental-health.

The comics strips will be used by school teachers to enhance the digital and life skills of primary school students.

The curriculum will be suitable to educators who teach pupils aged 6 – 12 and will include indicative lesson plans, teaching material, suggested activities, relevant videos and examples of best practices.

The curriculum will consist of two learning modules. The first module will provide teachers with the necessary skills in enhancing the life skills of their students towards more healthy and informed decisions with regards to their online presence. In the second module teachers will explore ways of empowering students to lead a healthy online life and use their life skills practically to live in the new digital world.

The trainings will be implemented both face-to-face and online, through an e-learning platform.

Download the training material in English here.

Download the training material in Greek here.

The Mini Games will target primary school students, where they will have to make decisions to experience a simulation of a real-life scenario related to addiction in using computers, cyberbullying, online harmful situations and other possible real-life situations they might encounter.

During these scenarios, primary school students, aged 9 -12, will be required to put in practice some of their life skills to overcome obstacles and handle real-life situations.

An online gamified environment will be developed, displaying the 6 Mini-Games

A Certified Massive Open Online Course will be developed for the professional development of teachers. The MOOC will be hosted on an online platform.

This portal will include the Curriculum and Training Material, an e-library in forms of videos, podcasts, reports, assessment framework, and online publications that educators will be encouraged to access and benefit from them to learn more about health literacy in general.

A toolkit will be developed, which will include a collection of lessons learned, good practices, challenges and policy recommendations.

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The European Commission support for the production of this leaflet does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre
CARDET (Cyprus)
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CESIE (Italy)
The Rural Hub ( Ireland)
Innovade LI LTD (Cyprus)

Institute of Technology and Development – Project Coordinator (Bulgaria)

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