Look Wide! – Developing a working method to support LGBTI victims of GBV by integrating gender and sexual diversity

Look Wide supports LGBTI victims of gender-based violence by integrating gender and sexual diversity into the work of professionals working with victims of GBV.

Grant Agreement Number: 776985

Funded by: REC        Duration: 01/2018-01/2020   

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Despite progress in many areas over the last decades, people in Europe are still discriminated due to their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity. Many lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) persons cannot fully enjoy their universal human rights.

Actually, LGTBI victims of gender-based violence (GBV) in the EU do not receive adequate support, resulting in the violation of their rights. Member States have not developed effective supporting services for victims of GBV, which take into account the specific circumstances of LGTBI victims. This lack of a comprehensive approach to GBV and the deficiencies in support services and intervention professionals violate the rights of many EU citizens.


By improving the integration of gender and sexual diversity in victims’ support services, Look Wide safeguards the rights of LGBTI victims of Gender Based Violence (GBV).


Look Wide has provided a comprehensive analysis – including interviews and desk research – of the specific forms of GBV experienced by LGTBI people and has identified the needs of professionals of specialised in GBV and anti-discrimination services, in order to meet the particular needs of the target group.

Read the transnational report
Read the national report

The network is gathering professionals, experts, academics and CSO representatives in the field of GBV and LGTBI non-discrimination and LGTBIphobia, including representatives of LGTBI communities. National advisory network is providing advice and feedback to project activities and outputs throughout the project, with bilateral meetings and consultations, and/or multilateral meetings in key moments of the project.

A Guide for professionals will be developed to improve the support provided by professionals of specialised GBV and anti-discrimination services to LGTBI victims of violence. The main criteria for improvement will be the integration of the gender and sexual diversity approaches in order to meet the specific needs of the LGTBI people suffering different forms of GBV.

Read and download the English version here.

Read and download the Greek version here.

A Capacity Building Programme developed from a gender and a sexual diversity perspective, aimed at professionals of specialised GBV and anti-discrimination services to better meet the needs of LGTBI people that have experienced GBV. 

The trained professionals will design specific support programmes for LGTBI victims of violence to be implemented in their services. Support programmes may include training or awareness-raising sessions for LGTBI victims, publication of dissemination materials of a service that are inclusive for LGTBI potential victims, awareness-raising talks and events for CSOs and communities, etc.

Events are organized to raise awareness among professionals, policy-makers, the media and the general population, to visibilise the specificities of GBV suffered by LGTBI and integrate gender and sexual diversity in the support provided to LGTBI victims of GBV.

These events include:
·         6 awareness-raising mini-sites
·         One national conference in each country
·         One EU conference in Barcelona, targeting EU-level policy-makers and professionals

Event in Piraeus
Event in Piraeus
European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre
Differenza Donna
Differenza Donna (Italy)
Dissens (Germany)
Háttér Society (Hungary)
Fundació SURT (Project Coordinator – Spain)

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