Migreat! Supporting migrants into CVET

The project aims to develop training procedures and tools to support training and employability of migrants in partner countries.

Project Number: 2016-1-IT01-KA202-005348

Funded by: Erasmus+        Duration: 10/2016-09/2018 


Migrant flows from third countries to EU have increased over the last decade, accounting to more than 4,4% (24 million people), according to Eurostat. At the same time, Europe is confronted with an ageing population and a shrinking workforce. Actually, the working age population will be declining by 0,4% every year between now and 2040. Those countries that integrate successfully their migrant population will have the best prospects to retain their prosperity and tackle the challenging issue of the ageing working population.


By improving the social and transversal skills of migrants through a mobile application, Migreat! aimed at empowering them and facilitating their labour market integration in the hosting country.


A comprehensive report was developed, defining the needs of job agencies, migrant organisations and training providers in assessing the needs of Migrants and Refugees for CVET (Continuous vocational education and training) and APL (Accreditation of Prior Learning). Agriculture, Construction, Health, Retail, Services, Textile and Tourism sectors were analysed in order to match the needs of Migrants with the availability of CVET and APL in each sector.

Find out more here.

The MiGreat! Application is designed to support migrants in order to get a basic understanding of the culture, and what it is like to work, live and study in their hosting country. It provides them with the appropriate tools to make the right career choices and understand their strengths. It also helps them identify their skill mismatches in the labour market and the training content that is most suitable for them.
Download the Migreat! Application.

Ten modules have been developed to train immigrants on subjects such as: Labour market, employment laws, discrimination, salary, pension system, how to write a CV, how to start your own business and lifelong-learning via CVET and APL. These modules will lead migrants to employment in the areas of: Agriculture, Construction, Health, Retail, Services, Textile and Tourism.

Read the training modules.

Α methodology handbook has been developed to help the VETPros on how to use  the Mobile Application and the training modules on how to better foster labour market integration of migrants.

Download the Handbook.

Event in Athens
Event in Athens

European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre
Training 2000 psc (Project Coordinator – Italy)
Elderberry AB (Sweden)
BEST Institut GmbH (Austria)
Elearning Studios (UK)
Glocal Factory (Italy)
Seed Learn (Italy)  

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