MINGLE: Migrant Language and Social Integration
Helping migrants improve their language skills and overall knowledge on the hosting country’s formal procedures and practices.
Grant Agreement Number: 527834-LLP-1-2012-GR-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
Funded by: Lifelong Learning Programme – Grundtvig Duration: 11/2012 – 10/2014
Immigration is a key support to labour force growth and a common practice among EU countries, especially in lower skilled occupations. Countries such as Greece, Italy and Cyprus have been fueled with migrants arriving from the Balkans during the past 15 years.
Despite the large number of migrants within the EU, severe barriers are identified to their progress and integration in the receiving labour markets, mainly concerning their poor language skills, the non-recognition of their qualifications and experience and the bureaucracy and formal procedures necessary to set-up a new life, acquire formal documents, etc.
The aim of the project was to enhance the quality of life and facilitate the integration to local society of migrant workers, by improving their access to language training courses and other guidance and counseling material, which can help such marginalized social groups become active members of the receiving society.