MOVE ON – Migration and Gender oriented Vocational and Educational Counselling

Unlocking the potential of migrants living in European countries is crucial not only for the economic growth but also for the successful integration in the host society.

Grant Agreement Number:  2015-1-UK01-KA204-013550

Funded by: Erasmus+           Duration: 1/10/2015 – 30/09/2017  

Move On logo


According to Eurostat, 63% of migrants who have moved into the European Union are employed, 10 percentage points lower than the native-born population. On the one hand, evidence indicate persistent issues impacting on migrants’ integration and employment. Newly arrived migrants usually struggle to find a decent job, while they face gender inequality and cultural bias. Actually, many experience lengthy periods of unemployment, inactivity or stagnation in low-skilled and low-paid work.

On the other hand, skilled migrants face difficulties to enter in the labor market, while hosting countries could not benefit from their skills and qualifications. Unlocking thus the potential of migrants living in European countries is crucial not only for the economic growth but also for an effective inclusion which could prevent poverty, marginalization and ultimately the risk of radicalization and social conflicts.


By better incorporating the gender and cultural sensitivity aspect on Career Counselling provided by professionals to migrants, Move On aims at enhancing their labour market integration and social inclusion.


A national report developed to present on one hand the existing situation regarding the integration of migrants in the Greek labour market, with emphasis on gender issues, and on the other hand to outline the relevant career counselling and vocational training services provided that are aimed towards immigrants.

For more information download the National Report here.

A training handbook developed to describe the profile requirements for a gender and culturally sensitive career guidance for migrants.

For more information download the Training Handbook here.

The aim of the teaching programme is to expand and strengthen the gender and diversity-sensitive counselling competencies of professionals working in the related field. 

For more information download the material here.

Training Event
Training Event
Training Event
European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre
IARS International Institute (UK – Project Coordinator)
Anziani e non solo (Italy)
Berami e.V (Germany)
Progetto Arcobaleno (Italy)
SIP (Poland)
SURT (Spain)

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