Cohesion Policy is standing by Cyprus, France and Belgium!

An IMREG project that aims to increase awareness about the impact of Cohesion Policy on the lives of people in the regions.

GA number: 101122414

Funded by: IMREG     Duration: 01/10/2023-30/09/2024


Cohesion Policy was already defined since the 1960s: to support the regions lagging behind. Within its evolution throughout the decades, it is one of the most impactful EU common policies, being the main investment policy of the European Union and representing a third of the total EU budget. Despite its impactful role in job creation, economic growth, healthcare, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability, there is a need to increase public awareness about this Policy and the impact of the respective EU Fund on citizens’ everyday lives.


CITADEL aims to increase the impact of Cohesion Policy on the lives of people by developing a comprehensive media campaign.


Raising awareness about Cohesion Policy, its priorities and its funds through new media and methods of dissemination. These include:

  • A Web-TV show involving a graffiti artist and drawing on lessons learnt during visits to regions benefitting from Cohesion Policy funds.
    • A social media campaign on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube
    • Online publications, e-banners, an informative e-booklet, as well as online educational games, and podcasts all providing information on the Cohesion Policy.

Cohesion Policy as a whole (its priorities and benefits) will be addressed through billboards, advertisements on buses, short TV interviews and animation videos.

Dissemination of the project and its activities through events, like focus groups, living labs and open discussions, targeting stakeholders and all interested parties (e.g., representatives from local authorities, representatives from companies, young entrepreneurs, and the civil society) as well as engaging with stakeholders and ensuring the project’s multiplier effect. The aim is to encourage a comprehensive public discussion at regional/local levels in partner countries on the future of Cohesion Policy, and thus, the future of the EU.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Project Partners

KMOP Policy Centre, Belgium
ASPON Consulting LTD, Cyprus (Coordinator)
Alpha Television Cyprus Ltd, Cyprus



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