Introducing the organizational approach to integration of Equality, Diversity, Inclusion Model in working with young people
An Erasmus+ project for they systematic integration of values of equality, diversity, and inclusion
GA number: 2022-1HR01-KA220-YOU-000086395
Funded by: Erasmus+ Duration: 01/11/2022-31/10/2024

One-third of young people in Europe are at risk of poverty and social exclusion, many do not have access to their social rights and many continue to face multiple discriminations, experiencing prejudice and hate crimes.
The EDI GO! Project aims to support organizations working with young people in improving equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) policies and practices using the whole-organizational approach to improve the inclusive environment for all young people regardless of their background.
The EDI GO! project produces the resources and trainings for youth experts and other educators to apply the whole-organizational approach, which allows systematic integration of values of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI).
📄 Toolbox “Resources for improvement of EDI practices using the whole-organizational approach” [EN]
📄 Training for Trainers’ package for EDI
Board Game Cards [english]
Board Game Cards [greek]
Project Partners