Greening Financial Literacy

GFL – Greening Financial Literacy

Integrating environmental standards into Financial Literacy education and strengthening young people’s understanding of the link between the financial system and the environment.

GA number: 2022-1-AT01-KA220-YOU-000086358

Funded by: Erasmus+      Duration: 01/10/2022-31/12/2024

👉 If you would like to learn more about how financial decisions influence humans and the environment, join our national Green Finance team at [email protected]


Recognising that the financial sector plays a crucial role in decarbonising European economies, the issue of low Financial Literacy has been identified as a significant obstacle, particularly among young people.

Both the EU and the OECD have emphasised the importance of promoting good financial literacy to educate EU citizens about the relationship between the financial system and the climate crisis, in support of the EU’s efforts to address climate change.

However, Green Financial Literacy, which refers to the knowledge and skills required to make informed decisions about environmentally sustainable investments and financial products, is still underrepresented in financial education.


The Greening Financial Literacy project aims to integrate environmental standards into Financial Literacy education, raising awareness of the financial system’s connection to the environment, particularly the climate crisis. It focuses on building the capacity of civil society in non-formal youth education and work to strengthen young people’s “Green Financial Literacy”.


The GFL Booklet provides a comprehensive overview of the knowledge held by CSOs in Austria, Croatia, Germany, and Greece in the areas of finance, environmental protection, education, and youth work. It also serves as an introduction to green financial literacy. This Booklet can be used as a valuable resource to understand the importance of adopting green financial literacy urgently and learn how the GFL project can assist anyone interested in becoming a green finance advocate.

A Workshop format for informal youth education on green financial literacy, in which engaged young people will learn to empower their peers to educate themselves about green finance. The concept will be adaptable to different age groups and national contexts and include all necessary supporting materials. Furthermore, a complimentary peer-learning format will be developed, allowing training peers to pass on their knowledge.

A Toolkit including the developed Workshop Concept and materials, as well as different methods to raise awareness of the importance of responsible and environmentally conscious financial decision-making and activating youth on the topic. Overall, the toolkit aims to build capacities in order to address the needs related to green financial literacy among young people.

📄 Leaflet

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. 

Project Partners

Organization Logo_KMOP Edu Hub
KMOP Education and Innovation Hub, Greece
Facing Finance e.V., Germany

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