GRACE: Strengthening the digital competences of cultural and creative microenterprises to
set in motion their creativity and innovation in the digital era

GRACE aims to support SMEs and professionals in the arts and culture sectors to cope with the difficulties caused by the pandemic in their professional activity.

Grant Agreement Number: 2020-1-RO01-KA227-ADU-095722

Funded by: Erasmus+      Duration: 01/03/2021 – 28/02/2023


Cultural and creative micro-enterprises in particular in tourist areas were gravely affected by COVID-19 due to travel restrictions and the lockdown. Relying on the traditional business model that favours face to face communication with the customer, these small businesses were particularly hit and were unprepared to address the changes that COVID ensued. The pandemic, however, came to highlight the already existing lack of digital competences that puts these small businesses in a disadvantaged position, decreases their competitiveness and will lead them to exclusion from the opportunities of the digital era.


To support micro-entrepreneurs in the digital and cultural sector, the GRACE project will develop an online educational platform with the aim to equip micro-businesses with key digital competences touching upon all business aspects, strengthen digital entrepreneurship and foster a digital hub for creativity and innovation that will put them back in the growth track and mitigate the pandemic adverse impact.


The GRACE educational platform is an nonformal educational space for open and collaborative learning and communication and a reservoir of best practices and other resources for microbusinesses. Also, it includes the Online Course on digital competences and digital entrepreneurship for creative and cultural microbusinesses.

The Training manual for adult educators includes information, practical guidance and relevant resources to train microbusinesses in acquiring digital entrepreneurship and also support aspiring cultural and creative entrepreneurs in the acquisition of digital competences that would help them in starting up their business.

European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Education Hub (Greece)
Asociatia European Association for Social Inovation (Romania)
Clio Muse Etairia Anaptixis Efarmogon Gia Ton Politismo Ike (Greece)
Consultoría de Innovación Social (Spain)
Canary Wharf Consulting Limited (United Kingdom)
Novel Group S.à.r.l. (Luxembourg)
Aproximar – Cooperativa de Solidariedade Social / CRL (Portugal)

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