JERICHO – parler pour faire tomber le mur qui rend la prostitution des mineurs invisible

The project aims to tackle the phenomenon of prostitution of minors.

Project Number: 101096637

Funded by: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV)      Duration: 1/2/2023 – 31/1/2025


Throughout Europe, there is a concerning rise in the number of young women, and to a lesser extent young men, aged 15 to 17, who fall victim to prostitution. This form of exploitation takes various shapes, including informal networks where 3 or 4 victims engage in prostitution under the control of a pimp. These networks are challenging to identify, which may explain why they are rarely acknowledged or addressed.

Despite the fact that the law, as well as European and international treaties, explicitly prohibit the prostitution of minors in all European countries, little action is being taken to combat this deeply distressing issue that potentially affects hundreds of thousands of minors across the continent. Regrettably, the topic remains taboo, with a notable absence of research and policy initiatives aimed at addressing, preventing, and supporting victims of child prostitution in Europe.


The project “Jericho – speak out to break down the wall that makes child prostitution invisible” aims to tackle the phenomenon of prostitution of minors, prevent and combat this violence against young women, support and protect the direct and indirect victims of juvenile prostitution.

For more information regarding all the countries of the project, please click here.


Implemented in youth organisations, schools and social networks, this campaign makes minor prostitution visible, explains the phenomenon and helps to decode pre-prostitution situations and behaviors. It helps vulnerable young people to identify and understand the situation they may be in and guides them in taking action and seeking support.

A change of perspective is needed here. The few studies carried out on the subject indicate a certain passivity towards the prostitution of minors, which is often not perceived, then not thought about, and if identified not considered as a danger, a situation of violence and violation of the fundamental rights of young girls. The responses of institutions and authorities must therefore be stimulated.

In addition to providing information on a largely invisible, unknown and underestimated phenomenon, this will involve developing and/or strengthening capacities to respond to, accompany and deal with these situations, which strike families at their heart. The project consortium will develop different contents necessary for parents and families.


📄 National Report: Greece [GR]

📄 National Report: Greece [EN]

📄 Guide for parents [GR]

📄 Guide for parents [EN]

📄 Policy Paper [GR]

📄 Policy Paper [EN]

📄 Flyer [GR]

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. 

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre (Greece)
CESIE, Italy

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