MORE – Motivations, experiences and consequences of returns and readmissions policy: revealing and developing effective alternatives
The project aims to enhance the EU’s migration strategy by offering dignified and sustainable solutions to the societal challenges posed by migratory flows.
Grant Agreement Number: 101094107
Funded by: HORIZON Duration: 01/10/2023 – 30/09/2026

In recent years, the EU has embraced the Returns and Readmissions (RR) policy, which involves either voluntary return or involuntary expulsion of migrants to third countries, as its preferred solution.
However, mounting evidence suggests that this policy has brought about various adverse consequences. These include the violation of migrants’ fundamental rights, political and economic costs for both the EU and its Member States, and a lack of tangible progress in achieving the policy’s objectives.
According to a special report by the European Court of Auditors (ECA), covering the period from 2015 to 2020, the EU made limited headway in finalising readmission agreements with non-EU countries. Moreover, the actions taken by the EU have not been adequately coordinated to ensure that non-EU countries fulfill their readmission obligations in practice.
The primary goal of the MORE project is to enhance the EU’s migration strategy by offering dignified and sustainable solutions to the societal challenges posed by migratory flows. Recognising the widespread perception of the Returns and Readmissions policy as ineffective among various stakeholders, including migrants and policy makers, the project aims to establish a comprehensive and trustworthy repository of expert knowledge on the policy’s intricacies at various levels.

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