Planning SE(E)Ds

Planning SE(E)Ds – Planning Solidarity Economy Districts for Social, Economic, and Environmental Sustainability

An Erasmus+ project that intends to respond to critical issues of the social economy sector.

GA number: 2022-1-IT02-KA220-ADU-000089519

Funded by: Erasmus+      Duration: 01/11/2022-30/04/2025


On 9 December 2021, the European Commission adopted the Social Economy Action Plan to propose concrete measures to help mobilise the full potential of the sector. The aim of the plan is to support social economy actors to innovate the sector through a series of key actions:

  • Creating the right conditions for the social economy to flourish.
  • Opening opportunities for the development of the sector’s competences.
  • Improving the recognition of the social economy and its potential.


Planning SE(E)Ds aspires to improve the recognition of the social economy and its potential by raising awareness and visibility through local Short Food Supply Chains (SFSCs) social experiments.

To this end, Planning SE(E)Ds will train local communities in the creation of SFSCs and Solidarity Economy Districts to connect citizens and territorial stakeholders for the promotion of social, economic and environmental sustainability principles and will build a community of practice at European level.


A review of existing frameworks and training needs will lead to the development of a multidisciplinary methodological framework at the European level for the creation of integrated and replicable social economy experiments mapped onto the EntreComp and GreenComp frameworks.

Design and delivery of a modular course on SEEDs planning, mapped on the EntreComp and GreenComp frameworks for the enhancement of entrepreneurial skills applied to social economy and environmental sustainability. It will also train 14 young adults (18-30) with fewer opportunities and seniors (65+) from each project country (70 in total) who will become promoters of such clusters at local level. Last but not least, it will develop policy recommendations and guidelines for local governments and policymakers on supporting the social economy through the creation, support, and promotion of SEEDs.

An online ecosystem for coordinating SEEDs will be created for shared communication on common topics and dialogue through the community of practice, for the training of other local communities not participating in the project, as well as for the tracking of the supply chain, so as to ensure the functioning of SEEDs even after the project’s lifecycle.

The networks aim to build a community of practice at the European level to connect citizens, interested organizations, and local governments to create territorial development, improve the recognition of the social economy, and increase its awareness and visibility through local social experiments (GO).



📄 Infographic [EN]

📄 Infographic [GR]

📄 Newsletter #1 [EN]

📄 Newsletter #1 [GR]

The content of this description represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

Project Partners

Organization Logo_KMOP Edu Hub
KMOP Education and Innovation Hub, Greece
Tamat Centro Studi Formazione e Ricerca – Italy (Coordinator)
Universitá degli Studi di Perugia – Italy
CARDET – Cyprus
Diesis Coop – Belgium
Asociatia Centrul Pentru Legislatie Nonprofit – Romania

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