Responding to the great resignation & quiet quitting of young professionals & entrepreneurs through Coworking & Collaborative Workspaces

An Erasmus+ project that focuses on creating flexible, tailor-made vocational training resources and tools that are adaptable to labour market needs.

GA number: KA220-VET-000155692

Funded by: Erasmus+      Duration: 01/12/2023-31/07/2026


Europe ranks last in employee engagement (having clear expectations, feeling connected to and supported by your team, and finding purpose in your work), scoring a mere 14% compared to the 33% of US and Canada (Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace Report, 2022). After COVID-19, resignation levels are also significant in Europe with Austria having the highest value of vacant positions (5%), followed by Belgium and the Netherlands (both 4.9%) (Eurostat, 2022).

Research findings indicate that Coworking and collaborative workspaces (CWS) have the potential to support employees as well as freelancers, new creators who are just starting their professional life or micro-enterprises and start-ups, by providing both a stable, functional work atmosphere and membership in a social community.

However, despite the growing popularity of Coworking and CWS, there are still gaps and needs in terms of (continuing) vocational training for young professionals who may lack the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in these new work environments.


RE-WORK aims at developing innovative, tailor-made, educational material in the context of continuous VET to educate and raise awareness of young professionals on the benefits and opportunities offered by collaborative business models and methods, and to promote greater diversity and inclusion in coworking and collaborative workspaces.


A set of attractive, innovative and tailor-made VET resources and tools to introduce and promote Coworking and Collaborative Workspaces (CWS). The project aims to identify the main learning mismatches and skills gaps among the beneficiaries of the project, and produce a digital Skills Roadmap (in 6 languages – DE, EE, EL, ES, NL, PT) to guide VET providers to adjust their learning offers.

The project aims to develop recommendations for VET providers in order to overcome the challenges and address the learning needs of professionals in an efficient manner, and increase the quality of the offered VET programmes in the field of collaborative business models. The recommendations will include proposed relevant learning opportunities for professionals, including an outline for content and training methodologies for VET education. This will form a “Good Practice Guide and Recommendations for VET providers“, an online brochure in 6 languages.

RE-WORK training resources for VET providers and trainers in 6 languages. Partners will develop a VET resource kit that will include:

  1. Trainers’ handbook on Coworking and CWS for young professionals, on topics including business models and solutions; flexible working methods and innovative new work environments; self-employment in collaborative frameworks; and social entrepreneurship and CWS.
  2. Experiential training exercises on: raising awareness on quiet quitting, collaborative work, sharing economy; bottom-up and user-driven coworking, creating and leading CWS; CWS and social entrepreneurship; collaborative creation and codesign labs, etc.

c) Lessons & Workshop plans.


📄 Good Practice Guide [EN]

📄 Good Practice Guide [GR]

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Project Partners

KMOP – Policy Center, Belgium
Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work, Netherlands, (Coordinator)
Die Berater, Austria
Headway A.E., Greece
Aproximar – Cooperativa de Solidariedade Social, CRL, Portugal
Empresas Con Valores, Spain
Eesti Eduhub Oü, Estonia

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