Enhancing prevention and protection mechanisms of Sexual Harassment at the Workplace through capacity building, coalition building and interagency collaboration

A direct continuation of the Teamwork project to better understand and address sexual harassment in the workplace.

GA number: 101094241

Funded by: CERV      Duration: 01/02/2023-31/01/2025


The TEAMWORK 2 project is a direct continuation of the REC-funded TEAMWORK project, whose research activities, conducted in Greece, Bulgaria, Italy and Spain, demonstrate that sexual harassment is a persistent problem across the EU, and the factors contributing to it are similar in the different countries. The main factors are 1) fragility of the protection system in all four countries (fragmentation of the laws, shortcomings in their implementation, low level of networking between stakeholders), 2) low level of awareness of the problem among employers as well as workers, which is also linked to underreporting and lack of reliable statistics, and 3) lack of structures that would contribute to ongoing prevention and early detection of sexual harassment at work.


The project relies on a bottom-up strategy (empowering victims and employers, and ensuring a wide-scale dissemination of good practices) to create a demand for policy improvements and interagency collaboration to address sexual harassment in the workplace.


This entails capacity-building programmes, addressed to Human Resources staff and members of chambers and business associations, who will act as multipliers to disseminate good practices to employers; and an e-learning course, addressed to employers and Human Resources staff. The aim is to enhance prevention and handling of sexual harassment at the workplace through capacity-building of multipliers, who will assist companies/organisations to adopt effective internal policies.

The Helpdesks created aim to directly support 1) employers in order to develop effective policies and reporting mechanisms and 2) survivors of sexual harassment in the workplace to enhance awareness to claim their rights. Also, national awareness workshops for companies aim to inform HR managers how to apply specific restorative measures on the introduction of internal policies and reporting. The goal is to improve the protection of victims/survivors and empower them to report the issue through the creation of new widely accessible services.

Advocacy efforts focused on systemic change by creating a bottom-up demand for improved policies: expert meeting on developing policy recommendations and policy paper, national roundtables for presenting the policy paper to the relevant national authorities and reaching an agreement for collaborative work on the issue. The aim is to strengthen interagency collaboration and develop local/regional/national networks that contribute to prevention and reducing of the problem.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Project Partners

KMOP, Greece
IVEPE-SEV, Greece (Coordinator)
Gender Alternatives Foundation, Bulgaria
Yambol Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bulgaria
OXFAM Italia, Italy
CGIL Toscana, Italy
Cardet, Cyprus
ADECCO Formazione SRL, Italy
Surt, Spain
Pafos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EVEP), Cyprus
Centre for New Initiatives (CNI), Croatia
Sindikat Obravzovanie Kam KT Podkrepa (SEP), Bulgaria
Diesis Network, Belgium



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