PAClife – Physical and Cultural Activity for Lifeskills Development
Supporting young migrants and disadvantaged young people to increase resilience through physical and cultural activities.
Grant Agreement Number: 2019-2-UK01-KA205-062336
Funded by: Erasmus+ Duration: 01/01/2020-31/12/2021

Physical and cultural activities including play, dance and sport can develop a range of life skills. This is because these activities require: problem solving; self/time management; the ability to meet deadlines and/or challenges; personal and collective goal setting/achievement; communication; teamwork. Furthermore, life skills increase young people’s well-being and help them be active and productive members of their communities, improving at the same time their economic outcomes. Within this context, life skills can enhance migrants’ and disadvantaged young people’s social inclusion and to improve their life conditions.
By promoting life skills to young migrants and disadvantaged young people through the participation in physical and cultural activities, PAClife aims at increasing their resilience and enhancing their social inclusion.

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