RESET: Building Resilience in Basic Education
Provision of quality adult education and resilience fostering in educationally disadvantaged adults and adult educators.
Grant Agreement Number: 2019-1-AT01-KA204-051252
Funded by: Erasmus+ Duration: 11/2019-12/2021
People with basic education needs are amongst the most marginalized social groups, being frequently exposed to economic, social and/or racial discrimination. Since many participants of literacy and basic education courses throughout Europe have recently experienced war and violence, the resulting states of stress, chronicle illnesses and traumatisation have additional negative effects on their ability to learn and concentrate.
In response to the challenges faced by people with basic education needs, professional and sensitive solutions are needed in order to avoid exclusion, marginalisation, retraumatisation, and above all educational drop out.
By anchoring resilience as a basic competence in the field of basic education and providing psychoeducational guidance for adult education professionals and stakeholders, RESET aims to improve the supply of high quality opportunities tailored to the needs of educationally disadvantaged adults, as well as to successfully foster their social inclusion.