SILVER AGE LEARNING: Education of Senior Citizens on their Health and Wellness

Offering new educational opportunities to the elderly in community-based settings and homes for seniors.

Grant Agreement: 2019-1-CZ01-KA204-061165

Funded by: Erasmus+        Duration: 01/09/ 2019- 30/06/2022 


Education should play an important role in all stages of human life, thus for senior age as well. Stretching the self-sufficiency period of the elderly citizens will have a profound positive impact on the whole society, not just the seniors.

Research tells us that seniors, in general, prefer a content which is related to their daily life and is personally useful for them. This type of content tends to get their interest and motivate them to participate in education activities. Since mental and physical wellness are among the top priority themes for the elderly, SAGE addresses this topic.


By training elderly people on topics such as health and well-being, SAGE aims at stimulating their social and spiritual activity.


The Course Development describes in detail the structure and the contents of the course. The course total length is between 100 and 150 class-hours. The course has distinct modular structure three levels deep (the other two levels being learning units and individual lessons).

Learning Materials constitute teaching/learning texts for the trainees and trainers who will participate in the education program. The contents will provide learning support to the themes laid out in the Course Plan and will include exercises for the trainees as needed.

The teacher’s guide and evaluation kit provides methodology for teaching and evaluating the course. It complements the course development and learning materials to form the core educational output of the Silver Age. It consists of two parts: 1. The provision of pedagogical methods for teaching educational modules and 2. The provision of methodology for a comprehensive evaluation of the education system and its effects on the seniors.

The field-test of the new course aims at evaluating its quality and effectiveness and making final adjustments or amendments to the course contents and education methodology, if necessary, based on the feedback collected both from trainees and trainers.

The promotional video provides introductory information about the core educational material for the potential senior students and stakeholders.
The target audiences for the video are potential senior students who live:

  • at home or in independent living community-based settings,
  • in assisted living facilities,
  • in social care institutional settings.

The other important target audience for the video material are interest groups, social care institutions and other organizations engaged in social care services for the elderly citizens.

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European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre
ACZ (Czech Republic – Project Coordinator)
Fjölmennt (Iceland)
University for Adult Education Celje (Slovenia)
Provincia di Livorno Sviluppo
Provincia Di Livorno Sviluppo (Italy)

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