
ScienceLit – Scientific Literacy for all!

Grant Agreement Number: 2016-1-ES01-KA204-025655

ScienceLit works to make possible one of the current European challenges: to promote and disseminate scientific knowledge among all cultures and sectors of society.

Funded by: Erasmus+        Duration: 01/09/2016-31/08/2018

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The European Union faces the challenge to advance towards more responsible and impacting science, looking for innovative links between science and people. Making science more attractive for young people, enrolling citizens in research or promoting formal and informal scientific education are some of the objectives under the Horizon 2020 programme.

Adult education can play a fundamental role because it reaches quite diverse target groups. Adult education may extend the scope and transference of scientific knowledge to adult people. In doing so, adult education may provide citizens with the basic skills to access the scientific knowledge independently and autonomously. At the same time, it can bring the democratization of scientific knowledge to adults, because it facilitates the access and provides the tools to the most high-level knowledge and has a high impact in the daily life of people.


ScienceLit works to promote and disseminate scientific knowledge among all cultures and sectors of society. The main goal of this project is to get science closer to adult people, especially those who are in at-risk situation. The way to achieve this is through Scientific Dialogic Gatherings, focused on unemployed participants, especially those who are between the ages of 18 and 34, and adults older than 55 years.


ScienceLit methodology will explain how to implement “scientific dialogic gatherings” so that they can be implemented in adult schools across Europe.

Read the ScienceLit methodology here.

A multilanguage online platform with audio-visual materials about how to organize and participate in a Scientific Dialogic Gathering.

Read the online guide here.

The ScienceLit training course on Scientific Literacy for Adult Education aims to train professionals in order to make them able to implement the ScienceLit methodology in their organizations and implement the courses achieving successful results in adult education through the strengthening of core competences.

Read the training for experts here.

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European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre
Association of Participants Ágora (Project Coordinator – Spain)
RIC Novo mesto (Slovenia) 
FACEPA (Spain)
German Institute for Adult Education – DIE (Germany)

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